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Types of Long-Term Birth Control

Long-term birth control options allow you to have several years of effective contraception without a daily medication. When the birth control’s expiration approaches, you can schedule an appointment to get it removed and, if you want, replaced. The two types of long-term birth control are:

  • Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
  • Birth Control Implant
  • Birth Control Shot

These types of birth control methods may also be used to reduce bleeding and pelvic pain. They can be removed or discontinued at any time if you decide that you’re interested in getting pregnant before the method expires. They will also not affect your ability to conceive in the future.

While using these birth control methods, you will still need to use barrier protection, such as a condom, to protect against sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

Intrauterine Devices

IUDs are T-shaped plastic devices that are inserted into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. There are two kinds of IUDs:

  • Hormonal
  • Copper

Hormonal IUDs use hormones to help prevent pregnancy. They last between three and eight years, depending on the brand.

Copper IUDs release copper into the uterus. Since it’s a nonhormonal option, copper, instead of hormones, helps prevent pregnancy. Copper IUDs last up to ten years.

Birth Control Implant

Birth control implants are small plastic implants that are inserted into the skin of your upper arm. It uses the hormone progestin to prevent you from getting pregnant. These implants last three years.

You’ll receive pain medication to numb part of your arm, and then the implant will be inserted. It only takes a few minutes. You can feel the implant under your skin, but you will not see it.

Birth Control Shot

The birth control shot is a progesterone injection that you receive every three months to prevent pregnancy. The medication can also decrease the amount of bleeding that you have during your periods.

Can Long-Term Birth Control Be Inserted After Giving Birth?

Both the birth control implant and IUDs can be implanted after you’ve given birth so that you can focus on caring for your newborn rather than scheduling an additional birth control appointment.

If you have a cesarean section (C-section), the IUD can be inserted ten minutes after your baby has been delivered. Should you deliver vaginally, the IUD can be placed once the placenta has been delivered.

The birth control implant can be inserted in the delivery room any time after you’ve given birth and before you leave the hospital with your baby.

Discuss Long-Term Birth Control Options With Your Provider

If you want to learn more about IUDs or birth control implants, schedule an appointment with your provider at UWH of Michigan. We will review the types of birth control that are right for you based on what you want out of your birth control and help get you started. Schedule an appointment today.