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Compassionate Gynecological Care for Young Women

Our adolescent gynecological team is focused on creating a space where teens feel comfortable asking questions and discussing any symptoms they may be experiencing. Our providers understand the specific changes that occur within a developing body, and we will treat your teenager with compassion and respect. We can talk with your teenager about sexual health, birth control, and important ways to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections.

Anything you or your teenager shares with us will remain confidential unless our providers believe that your teenager is a danger to herself and others or is unable to make decisions on her own. We recommend establishing communication with your teens about gynecological issues, so they can come to you when they need to schedule an appointment.

Gynecological Conditions We Treat

Gynecology as a specialty focuses on the entire female reproductive system and the conditions that affect that system. Our providers can diagnose, treat, and support your teenager throughout the years, so they have the consistent medical care they need.

Some of the gynecological conditions we treat include:

  • Endometriosis
  • Cysts, masses, or lesions on reproductive organs
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Painful and heavy menstrual cycles
  • Vaginitis

If your teenager is experiencing pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, or other symptoms, but you aren’t sure of the cause, schedule an appointment. We can perform diagnostic tests to identify what your teen is experiencing and recommend treatments that fit into their lifestyle.

Adolescent Gynecological Services We Offer

Our healthcare services extend beyond the treatment of conditions that your teenager might experience. Our providers are available to counsel teenagers on their gynecological health, prescribe contraception options, and perform routine pelvic exams during wellness appointments.

If your teenager requires surgery, you can discuss minimally invasive surgical options with our providers. Surgical options may include the removal of cysts, endometriosis, and repairing trauma to the reproductive system. We will review your teen’s medical history, as well as their family history, and make treatment decisions based on what’s right for them. Your provider may also make recommendations to you about how you can best support your teen and help them through recovery.

Schedule Gynecology Care for Your Teen Today

If your teenager is ready to begin taking birth control or is experiencing pelvic pain, schedule an appointment with a gynecological provider at UWH of Michigan. We will give your teen the support and care they need to manage their health concerns. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.